Book your next training session

A warm welcome to our small group classes!

Would you like to join us but don’t have a membership yet? Check out the instructions for getting started here!

The following classes are included in our group memberships:

WOD stands for “workout of the day”. The classes include varied functional movements. We recommend all new members to start from a Beginner’s Course to first learn the techniques and training methods.

Mobility classes are focused in improving your joints ability to move freely with the surrounding tissues allowing the movement to happen safely and smoothly.

Functional Physio means you get the expert knowledge from a physiotherapist in a group class format. This class will compliment the monthly focus of the WOD classes to make it all link together well.

Weightlifting classes are focused on the fundamentals, drills and positions of snatch, clean, and jerk.

Supermama & Mini classes are for all women pre-or postpartum who want to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle during and after pregnancy. Kids <1 year are welcome to join classes!

Ball Sports – Are you an enthusiast of ball sports? Playing as competitive or as a hobby but hoping to get an advantage of you opponents or playing partners and staying injury free? This group training is for you! In sessions we are developing coordination of whole body by focusing on muscle strength, balance, motor control and joint mobility.

Other class types

Company Class (Private) is a class held for a private group by our coach. Would you like to have a private class for your team or group? Contact us to get started:

To book classes, you need your personal Avoinna24 credentials that you should have received once you signed up. If you did not receive yours yet, then contact us at

Our gym is open for members every day 5:00 – 23:00.