Massage of masticatory muscles

Jaw muscle massage can help with jaw muscle problems, which can cause various symptoms for those affected. Jaw muscle problems are sometimes referred to as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Typical symptoms of jaw muscle problems may include pain in the temporomandibular joint area, tension in the jaw muscles, and headaches. Jaw muscle massage can also help with tension in the neck and shoulders.

Temporomandibular disorders

What might be causing temporomandibular disorders?

The emergence and maintenance of symptoms can be attributed to several physiological, psychological, and behavioral factors. Contributing factors may include altered bite due to dental procedures such as tooth extraction, psychosocial factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, or catastrophizing. Additionally, trauma to the face, neck, and cervical spine can underlie the symptoms. Furthermore, several other background factors have been identified, including genetic factors.

A large proportion of individuals with jaw muscle problems also experience bruxism. Bruxism is involuntary grinding of the teeth and can occur both during wakefulness and sleep. Bruxism is commonly known as “teeth grinding” in colloquial terms. The assessment and treatment of the causes of jaw muscle problems require the assistance of a knowledgeable professional. A healthcare professional experienced in this area can be an effective aid in managing symptoms and pain! The prognosis for treating TMD issues is generally good, and conservative treatment of the jaw muscles is effective in most situations. Jaw muscle treatment, patient education, prescribing exercises, and providing home care instructions often yield favorable outcomes!

Typical symptoms may include, for example:

  • Headaches Neck and shoulder pain
  • Temporomandibular joint pain
  • Sounds in the temporomandibular joint
  • Fatigue and stiffness in the jaws
  • Limited mouth opening
  • Stiffness in the base of the skull and facial area
  • Tinnitus
  • May trigger migraine attacks
  • Pain radiating behind the eyes
  • Toothache and even dental damage

What happens during jaw muscle / temporomadibular treatment?

Jaw muscle massage aims to alleviate tension in the muscles involved in biting and to relieve associated pain and other aforementioned symptoms. During the massage, areas commonly addressed include the face, mouth, neck, and shoulders. Please note that the massage also addresses the chewing muscles from the inside of the mouth. The massage therapist always wears disposable gloves and a face mask during the session. The treatment may also include massage of muscles involved in breathing, such as the intercostal muscles and abdominal area.

After the treatment, the massage therapist may provide you with instructions on how to continue treatment at home and maintain the well-being of your jaw muscles. Jaw muscle massage is often most effective when done as a series of sessions. Typically, two to five treatment sessions yield the best results for most individuals, and our professionals always work with patients to develop a treatment plan together.

You can book an appointment for jaw muscle massage at our branches in Punavuori, Kamppi, and Töölö!

At Ideal Health, our professionals Essi, Teemu and Iida provide jaw muscle treatment. Our services are available at our Punavuori, Kamppi, and Töölö branches. If you have any questions about jaw muscle treatment, feel free to contact us via email here!


Our locations



Lapinlahdenkatu 8, 00180, Helsinki




Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 11, 00260, Helsinki




Bulevardi 54, 00120 Helsinki
